#!/bin/sh echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward INET=”wlp3s0″ INETIP=”$(ifconfig $INET | sed -n ‘/inet addr/{s/.addr://;s/ .//;p}’)” iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $INET -j SNAT –to-source $INETIP
Author Archives: framewor
Computer kid
Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis
by Laplante, Phillip A. / Ovaska, Seppo J. http://www.wiley-vch.de/publish/dt/books/bySubjectEE00/ISBN0-470-76864-9/?sID=vdg6uiojtju1ad3m6qok0gilr6
Papyrus – Model driven development tool
A tool that deals with UML/MARTE is papyrus. This is available as eclipse plugin. It was not straigtforward though, to install it on my amd64/linux. I was halfway successful trough this package: http://mirror.switch.ch/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/juno/SR2/eclipse-modeling-juno-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz Halfway, because this package seems not to be identical to the one used in the tutorial: http://www.papyrusuml.org/scripts/home/publigen/content/templates/show.asp?P=134&L=EN&SYNC=Y
I was looking for real-time modeling and found the MARTE specs. I have the impression, this is intended to design systems with higher complexity as my framework. However, could be interesting to look into. Specs: http://www.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?formal/2011-06-02.pdf Tutorial: http://www.uml-sysml.org/documentation/marte-tutorial-713-ko/at_download/file
Doku Link
Pro smartphone cross-platform development : iPhone, Blackberry, Windows mobile, and Android development and distribution Sarah Allen Vidal Graupera Lee Lundrigan 2010 http://recherche.nebis.ch/nebis/action/display.do?tabs=detailsTab&ct=display&fn=search&doc=ebi01_prod006183341&indx=17&recIds=ebi01_prod006183341&recIdxs=6&elementId=6&renderMode=poppedOut&displayMode=full&frbrVersion=&dscnt=0&vl%28215168514UI1%29=all_items&scp.scps=scope%3A%28ebi01_prod%29&frbg=&tab=default_tab&dstmp=1363266902953&srt=rank&vl%28215043702UI0%29=any&mode=Basic&dum=true&vl%281UIStartWith0%29=contains&vl%28freeText0%29=cross+platform&vid=NEBIS
Hypothesis 2
Although there are a lot of cross-platform-development-solutions out there, most of them try to be universal and have a large focus. This makes them hard to expand and understand. My hypothesis is, that it is possible, to create within useful period a own, very small but domain specific cross-platform-framework. The advantage would be that the […]
Inside QT5
To check out hypothesis 1 we analyse qt5 painter in qglwidget, lets see how they do it. First its to get the sourcecode: http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building_Qt_5_from_Git
Hypothese 1
Even if a system graphics api takes advantage of graphics acceleration, direct opengl programming is faster. The difference might be slight bud could also be significant, depending on the painted model. One way to prove: painter vs. opengl in QGlWidget (QT5).